Welcome to Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School! We are a close-knit, innovative community and we thank you for your interest in our school.
For the academic year 2023-2024 please find below the open positions that we will be hiring for: Biology Teacher, Chemistry Teacher, Economics Teacher, English Teacher. To apply for positions at Qibao Dwight, please send a resume and statement of interest to ca*****@qi*********.org.
Position Skills and Requirements
Supports the School’s Vision, Educational Mission & Seven Virtues
The seven virtues are the measurable outcomes of the School Vision and Educational Mission.
- Qibao Dwight’s Vision: To lay a beautiful foundation for life by igniting the spark of genius in every student.
- Qibao Dwight’s Educational Mission: To cultivate excellent students who have a global outlook, cross-cultural understanding, a commitment to personal development, and outstanding character.
- Qibao Dwight’s Seven Virtues: Tenacity, Respect, Integrity, Cooperation, Creativity, Kindness, Discipline
Teaching & Learning Requirements
- Teachers are required to have at least 2-years-full-time-experience in teaching
- Plans well-prepared written curriculum and engaging lessons in advance of teaching as per the Curriculum Planning and Review Process.
- Sets, marks, and provides feedback on work in line with the Assessment Policy.
- Differentiates in accordance with students needs and abilities, particularly with regards to ESL in accordance with the Language Policy and Inclusive Education Policy.
- Assesses, records and reports on the development, progress and attainment of students in accordance with the Assessment Policy.
- Plans appropriate intervention for students who require additional learning support.
- Effectively and appropriately uses digital tools and technology to improve student learning.
- Understands the Academic Honesty policy and promotes a culture of integrity.
Professional Responsibilities
- Serves as an effective team member in a cross-cultural, bilingual school environment, being sensitive and respectful to different perspectives
- Arrives punctually to work and lessons:
- School starts on Monday’s at 7:20am
- Tuesday – Friday schools begins at 7:30am
- Maintains high level of attendance and notifies school of absence and coverage plans in a timely manner as per the Faculty Leave Policy
- Participates in Professional Development, Monitoring, and Evaluation processes and reflects on one’s professional performance as per the Evaluation Cycle.
- Supports cover for absent team members when needed including timetable changes.
- Acts as students Extended Essay (EE) and Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) advisors.
- Completes college recommendation letters in a timely manner.
Safeguarding Student
- Undertakes necessary training related to child protection.
- Understands the Child Protection Policy and supports its implementation, prioritizing student’s safety and notifies appropriate individuals of concerns.
Additional Responsibilities
- Teaching faculty at Qibao Dwight may have additional responsibilities depending on overall teaching load such as
- Acts as a homeroom advisor lead or assistant advisor for one homeroom.
- Undertakes morning, evening, weekend or workshop student supervision duties.
- Teaches an elective, coaches a sport, and supervise student clubs, programs, and CAS experiences
More Information
- Qualification Bachelors
- Grade Level Middle, High
- Discipline Language, Writing & Culture, Science & Engineering, Finance, Management, Economics and Business, Art, Law, Political Science, Education, Physical & Health Science
- Address Shanghai, China